Saturday, February 17, 2018

Yoga for Beginners-How to Practice it at Home
If you're new to yoga beginning is probably going to be hard, no matter how fit you are. You need to learn how to perform each posture, your body needs to adapt etc. The easiest way to learn yoga at first is to practice it at home. Here're a few guidelines on how to get started.

1. Plan Ahead and Practice Often

Most experts recommend regular yoga practice every day or every other at least. Regular workouts, even for 10-15 minutes daily, are much better solution than longer workouts (60+ min) once a week. You'll have much better results and it will be easier in the beginning.

If you can, practice yoga in the morning. That's the time of the day when you have the most energy.

If not, do your routine in the evening, or whenever you have a free time. Plan ahead, so when it's time for practice you can focus just on that.

Best advice is to practice yoga on an empty stomach. If you had smaller meal practice an hour later or wait two-three hrs after a larger meal.

The more food you ate the longer you need to wait. Doing yoga on a full stomach is not a pleasant experience, trust me.

2. Start Slow and Be Careful

Before you start with any yoga routine you need to recognize your body's capabilities.

Don't do anything by force and be careful. Progress is slow initially but over time you'll be able to do more.

Slowly get in every position at first, and if you feel too much pain when you hold a specific pose, focus on breathing. It will help you release the tension.

You'll learn how to do this easily after a few workouts.

Always do a warm-up before each practice using poses such as mountain pose, sun salutation, and down dog. These postures are ideal because you'll be able to stretch entire body.

After warmup, you can start with your preferred routine.

3. Find a Routine

Routine or style that you choose should be matched to your goals and abilities.

Do you need yoga for weight loss, meditation or only as a gentle stretching? Figure out what it is and pick a routine.

Find few that you like and start practicing as soon as possible.

4. Create Your Peace

If you want to practice yoga indoors you'll need a free space without furniture or any sharp objects nearby. Make sure you have enough space to move freely in all directions.

Ideally, the room should have a normal temperature and a good ventilation.

Before each practice, turn off all devices that could cause distractions (TV, radio, phone etc.) and clear space from domestic intruders (pets and kids xD).

The less stuff you need to think about the better.

If you can separate room just for yoga, perfect. But since most of us doesn't have that luxury just aim for the quiet place where you can practice in peace.

Also, if you want to create a more stimulating environment, you can add candles or incense stick.

If you decide to practice yoga outdoors look for a spot with enough shade and make sure you're dressed up according to the weather.

Don't forget to bring water and something to wear in case it gets cold.

5. Bare Feet and Clothing

If you want to fully enjoy in yoga, practice it barefoot or in socks. Not only you'll have a better grip,  but also much more effective exercise for your feet.

You can practice yoga in shoes, but the overall experience is much more satisfying without them.

When it comes to clothing you don't need anything special. Make sure you are wearing comfortable stuff that allow easy movement.

Don't wear any excessive jewelry and heavy makeup. Keep things light and simple.

6. Yoga Accessories

One of the reasons why yoga is so popular is because you don't need any expensive equipment. All you need is a yoga mat (non-slippy) and preferably yoga blocks.

You can buy decent mats for cheap and you literally have dozens of choices. From organic to extra thick.

Blocks are a great accessory, especially in the beginning, when you're not flexible enough.

Whatever type of blocks you choose, always buy them in a pair, because you can use them for more postures.

If you want to save some money, you can replace them with books, pillows or other household items.

As with practice space, the same scenario is with equipment. If you can afford expensive stuff, great. If not, just be creative, and use something you can find around.

But if you're really serious about yoga...

spend few bucks on a decent yoga mat  (you'll thank me later).

7. Mix it up and Be Organized

You'll achieve best results if you have few selected routines that you're practicing regularly.

However, if you're not in the mood for your classic sequence or if you need a bigger challenge always find something new.

The most important thing is that you're enjoying your time and you're motivated to do more.

Remember that yoga has lots of styles and it's useful for a variety of things. So if you are really serious about practicing it, spend few hours to find and bookmark a few routines for later.

Don't get into a situation when it's time for practice and you're wasting time online searching for an ideal routine that doesn't exist.

Be organized, so when it's time for yoga, you're focused just on that.

Source: Yoga for Beginners-How to Practice it at Home

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